With the change in the market standard cash
settlement convention from an Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
to Cash Collateralized Price (CCP)
, effective in September or
October 2018, remains a bit of a challenge to put legacy trades, forthcoming
new-style transactions, and physically settled contracts into a
consisting pricing framework.
In this small series we will present a Python
implementation in which
all mentioned trades are valued in an arbitrage free fashion.
Furthermore, we show pitfalls where inconsistencies have been
introduced in standard implementations around the IRR methodology.
We will focus almost entirely on implementation here. Therefore, the
theoretical foundation will be largely skipped. If that is of
interest, there are some references at the end of the article. To be
able to present all pieces in "readable" Jupyter
Notebook format, we
spare coding all classes directly in the notebook. Rather we import
those classes as modules. Everything else will be computed directly in
the notebook.
Please note that the whole implementation is first and foremost dedicated to be illustrative. Therefore, it is neither optimized for production nor it is too dogmatic with small details a library would be taking care of (e. g. exact daycounts, year fractions, etc.).
We will organise everything as follows: Starting point will be the gathering of all needed data (this part), next we will calibrate the model itself (next article), and lastly, we complete the data set (volatility cube) with a SABR model (part III).
Gathering our input data
Our inputs will be swaption premiums quoted in the market by various broker firms. Those quotes are available for quite granular at-the-money (ATM) expiry/ tail combinations for both, IRR and physical settlement. Out-of-the-money (OTM) data in contrast is much less granular and only available for the IRR style settlement. On top of that, we calibrate to ATM zero-wide-collars, which we use to break down ATM straddles into its components, as payer and receiver swaption at the physical ATM forward don’t have equal values (more to this will follow). Furthermore, we need swap curve data to calculate payoffs, annuities, discount factors, etc. As dual curve calibration is not our main focus here, we will feed this data from external sources. Just as a remark, there are a lot of data sources available in this regard, QuantLib, for instance.
First of all, we import quite a lengthy Excel sheet. As a bit of a high-level breakdown, there are forwards and discount factors calibrated in a library externally. Everything else we need for calibration are shifts (to avoid negative rates in our lognormal environment) and premiums, which are sorted by ATM data for IRR and physical, as well as skew data in form of collars and strangles for IRR settlement. That is all written to a dict "market_data" containing the information carrying DataFrames.
Now we have everything together to calculate cash IRR and physical annuities. As those are very central to our implementation, we will write down the two formulas below:
With the N payments, you see that on the physical annuity every nth cash flow has a unique discount rate. With the cash IRR formula you just observe one forward rate "R", which solely serves as valuation input.
Now we are calculating all the annuities for our DataFrame, which we write back to "market_data" calling the respective functions. Next step is getting ATM premiums for IRR settlement for payer and receiver swaptions respectively. That is actually quite simple because we have straddle (payer + receiver) and collar (payer - receiver) and can therefore back out the needed values.
In the image below you can see the ATM surface for IRR payer swaptions:
For smile/ skew data we have quite some editing to do, as this is typically delivered for short (Gamma) and long (Vega) expiries in the form of collars and strangles at various strikes. Our approach is to aggregate all the data in a way, where we have OTM Options (high strike = payer, low strike = receiver) around ATM.
The image below shows our OTM IRR swaption premiums:
Aggregating all information into one DataFrame
Now we have all the relevant data, but unfortunately in a number of locations, which makes something like a "Master" DataFrame really appealing. In principal we are facing something 3-d or a cube here, because we have expiry, tail, and strike. So we structure the data accordingly, and Pandas, of course, is well prepared for that. One of the solutions is a MultiIndex that takes two levels: expiry and tail, while strikes are organised in columns. Now we are able to select the height in the cube by picking out a columns (ATM, for instance) and dive into the surface by simply calling the "unstack()" method - something that turns out to be really helpful. The "Master" DataFrame now looks like this:
Please also note that the other informations pieces apart from premiums are also shown in our Master DataFrame.
Unstacking now makes it very convenient to dive into the ATM surface for instance:
Now we have everything that we were looking for in the first part. Our Master DataFrame contains all information we later need to calibrate our model. That calibration will actually take place in the next article.
This is a post in the
Cash vs. Physical Swaptions series.
Other posts in this series:
- Nov 07, 2018 - Collateralized Cash Price — An introduction to the new settlement standard in Swaptions
- May 26, 2018 - Collateralized Cash Price — A consistent pricing framework (part I)
- May 26, 2018 - Collateralized Cash Price — A consistent pricing framework (part II)
- May 26, 2018 - Collateralized Cash Price — A consistent pricing framework (part III)